A project of multiple animators, hosted by me, where artists of all ages and experiences were given a section of time and soundtrack to animate on however they liked.
Inspired by Al and Laz's fanzine projects. The objective was to bring characters, inspired by an edgy evil cat from the book series "Warriors", to life! Lots of people got to participate in a way or another, be it by animating other people's characters, giving characters to be drawn and animted, helping finishing up individual sections, etc.
You can watch the finished product below, the whole process took a year and 3 months, from May 2021 to August 2022.
I am the project's host, which means I got the idea together, set up rules and a call for artists, managed the artists and their progress and moderated the groups we were in. I also have animated my own section, and put all the finished parts together in one video. You can watch progress and related videos in the following playlist:
For my part I worked in collaboration with Olmewe, who made it so assets I made could be edited in a 3D landscape on After Effects. I also asked HeckyHeckle to add sketches of the character's markings to the animation, to make it easier for me. You can watch the result with some progress below:
As a bonus, here is some of the artwork I made for this project overall.
More information and credits on the project below: