First semester of 2021 project, in which I worked with @loserwinner1.9, @jinx-delly, @gabi_art2, @tsugumiink, @the_jmos, @makyume and @elyu_michaelli to create a teaser trailer for a 3D short film inspired by natural disasters caused by human beings, we chose to work with the oil leaks in brazillian beaches that lasted throughout the entirety of 2020 and are still affecting the lives of those that live near them.

Although I was always there through the entirety of the project my main tasks included research, concept art, coloring, 3D modeling, texturing and animating. The final product is below.

Below are the designs I made for the project

Clean up and colors by Makyume, Jinx Delly and LoserWinner Some sketches included made by Makyume, Tsugumi and Jinx

Below is an unused Colorscript I made for the teaser

The villain, Mister Oil, was mine, Tsugumi and Jinx's baby. Below is two screenshots of his 3D model with texture and none of Jmos's cool render effects.

And last, two simple extra artworks I made for decorative purposes in our presentations

If you'd like to see more artwork and information on this project, check out the links below! Note that they have been altered for the safety of my colleagues